HTML5 starter kit for creating HTML5 applications and User Interfaces (UIs), intergrated with GRUNTJS for fast, clean and optimised web app creation.
It has all the neccessary requirements to get anyone started in creating apps fast and easy.
What it does for you???
- compiles your scripts, templates, styles (both transpilation and precompilation is taken care of here)
- lints them (checks for any syntax error)
- notifies you about errors via console and system notifications
- wraps the scripts and templates in common.js / AMD modules. (for build systems)
- concatenates scripts and styles
- generates source maps for concatenated files
- copies assets and static files the respective required project production directory
- shrinks the output by minifying code and optimizing images
- monitors/watches your files for changes and updates realtime wherever relevant, reloads to reflects the changes to the browser
- create a test and distribution/final versions of your app or UI without compromising the original code
Concatinates all CSS into app.full.css and JS into app.full.js or app.full.min.js after minification. And replacing all CSS and JS tags in your html file with one tag having the stated as thier sources. In DISTRIBUTION version only though.