
Step by step process of making a payment transaction

Request Payment

This is initial step is to tell the SAG to initialise a payment you want to transact. After initialisation, you then make another request to the SAG as a confirmation prompt signaling the SAG to process the payment request requested.

Assuming Project Mulla is now your mediator, you’d now make a POST request to Project Mulla. Not Safaricom.

See below how you’d make this initial request:

Initiate Payment Request:


Body Parameters:

  • phoneNumber - The phone number of your client
  • totalAmount - The total amount you are charging the client
  • referenceID [optional] - The reference ID of the order or service
  • merchantTransactionID [optional] - This specific order’s or service’s transaction ID

NOTE: If merchantTransactionID or referenceID are not provided a time-based and random UUID is generated for each respectively.

Extra Body Parameters

Any extra body parameters of the POST request that is not part of the mandatory request parameters will be considered to be extra payload and concatenated into one object before being serialized and added as the ENC_PARAMS SOAP parameter.

It will then eventually be sent back to you as a BASE64 string through the payment notification POST request made to your provided MERCHANT_ENDPOINT.

Sample request using CURL in the command line/terminal:

$ curl -i -X POST \
--url \
--data 'phoneNumber=254723001575' \
--data 'totalAmount=45.00' \
--data 'clientName="Eugene Mutai"' \
--data 'clientLocation=Kilimani' \

Expected Response

If all goes well you get HTTP status code 200 accompanied with the a similar structed JSON response:

  "response": {
    "return_code": "00",
    "status_code": 200,
    "message": "Transaction carried successfully",
    "trx_id": "453c70c4b2434bd94bcbafb17518dc8e",
    "description": "success",
    "cust_msg": "to complete this transaction, enter your bonga pin on your handset. if you don't have one dial *126*5# for instructions",
    "reference_id": "3e3beff0-fc05-417a-bbf2-190ee19a5e58",
    "merchant_transaction_id": "95d64500-2514-11e6-bcb8-a7f8e1c786c4",
    "amount_in_double_float": "45.00",
    "client_phone_number": "254723001575",
    "extra_payload": {
      "clientName": "Eugene Mutai",
      "clientLocation": "Kilimani"
    "time_stamp": "20160528234142"

Next step: confirmation

You are to use trx_id or merchant_transaction_id to make the confirmation payment request. The confirmation request is the request the payment requested above to be processed and triggers a pop up on the your client’s mobile phone.

Please Note: as of an update made on 23-07-2017, confirmation has been deprecated, here’s why?

When one now pings the endpoint /payment/request it initializes the payment and when Safaricom responds with a HTTP status 200 and a payload, Project Mulla now automatically confirms the payment by also hitting the endpoint payment/confirm

This means you no longer have to make a second call to Project Mulla to confirm the payment thus hitting up the user’s phone with the USSD prompt. One call to payment/request should handle this automatically.